Resistance: “To be, or not to be…” | To do, or not to do…

Wrestling with inner conflict about whether to do something now, or later, or never, is a battle so fundamental to being human that Prince Hamlet’s famous lament “To be, or not to be…”[1] is among the most memorable questions of all time. Hamlet struggles to decide between enduring another day of life, with all its […]

Inauthentically Authentic

Is Authenticity going the way of Privacy? Are both vestiges of our pre-digital and pre-Internet past? There was a time when we would carefully invite others into our personal lives and make a special effort to share interests, photographs, and secrets. But that norm has been turned on its head. To be interpersonally engaged today […]

The Pursuit of a Happy New Year

January 3, 2015 Thomas Jefferson, through The United States Declaration of Independence, reminded us that one of our “unalienable rights” is the pursuit of Happiness. With all the heartfelt wishes for a ‘Happy’ New Year going around, it got me thinking: What is Happiness and how do you know whether your pursuit will get you […]